
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Shawl hunting for raya

Yesterday, i bought a red pashmina and black satin shawl. that's it. and i want to buy another shoes. but then, 5 is over the limit la pulak. so, i said to kakak kedai "saya beli after raya tau kakak" can't believe i said that. so un-ME. maybe this is also because i've becoming more matured and less shopaholic. haha. NO WAY! so after raya it is. my roommate bought another jeans. I cant really choose if im rushing. its hard, especially when there are a line waiting for the dressing room. and each of them tries for soooooo long. talking about inconsiderate, people. So, i missed the raya sale for jeans. It's okay. *patting myself on the back* if rezeki u, rezeki u okay.
anyway, it's last day at work. can't really hide that i'm excited. raya is just around the corner. cant wait to beraya with my parents n siblings!

p/s: room mate, drive carefully. send my regards toi EVERYBODY at your hometown okay. including kak wok.haha sedap nye nasik kak wok.

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