
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Iftar di ZamZam Arabic @Oasis Shah Alam

 lamb mandy
 pita bread with humus

Ramadhan 24, break fast with arabic food in arabic style. ;p with my roommate, dayarn n moknik.. 
the buffet is rm39 but there's really a whole lot to choose from. i love the lamb mandy. Delicious! but i coulnt really eat everything else, like the baklava, pita, humus n everyhing-else-which-names-i-dont-know. haha. they're not really to my liking, but some of my friends really like some of it. its just a matter of own personal preference. this is also the first time i tried any barbican-like drinks. quite strong and i cant describe the taste. not for me. but the place is nice, with arabic touches to it, and the people who serves are mostly arabic (i guessed). and the lamb mandy is superb for me. but i still prefer our malaysian cuisine n western. :)

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