
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kenapa kamu istimewa


Shawl hunting for raya

Yesterday, i bought a red pashmina and black satin shawl. that's it. and i want to buy another shoes. but then, 5 is over the limit la pulak. so, i said to kakak kedai "saya beli after raya tau kakak" can't believe i said that. so un-ME. maybe this is also because i've becoming more matured and less shopaholic. haha. NO WAY! so after raya it is. my roommate bought another jeans. I cant really choose if im rushing. its hard, especially when there are a line waiting for the dressing room. and each of them tries for soooooo long. talking about inconsiderate, people. So, i missed the raya sale for jeans. It's okay. *patting myself on the back* if rezeki u, rezeki u okay.
anyway, it's last day at work. can't really hide that i'm excited. raya is just around the corner. cant wait to beraya with my parents n siblings!

p/s: room mate, drive carefully. send my regards toi EVERYBODY at your hometown okay. including kak wok.haha sedap nye nasik kak wok.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sahur: Nasi ayam lemon Pak Li

Thanx roommateku! sebab menapaukan the food. sahur with nasi ayam lemon. Favourite kat pak li. sedapp. Combo with iced nescafe. Fully satisfying..

Iftar di Secret Recipe + raya shopping

 First of all, i think my blog needs pictures. (Actually, my roommate thinks so.. haha) But then, i agree. So, i think im gonna put pictures in next entries and several previous entries as well. Because merely describing delicious food is not as effective as pictures. :)
Yesterday, my roommate n I decided to eat tomyam kung. so, we went there ata round 530 to make reservation. (few days ago, we went at 6plus and its fully booked! lesson learnt.). then i go to several places, run my errands.. We went to SACC mall to find me baju kurung moden. guess what i bought? a pair of blue vincci wedges! mission yet to accomplish. its so kendyeveryday-like. So, we break fast without date. Secret Recipe, i think you should provide dates for Muslims. Date as in kurma ye, not date as in pasangan. haha. Tomyam kung was fabulous! But strangely not as hot as usual. N iced long black coffee. Usually i take it hot, but i nak berbuka. ;p n for dessert, strawberry chocolate cake. yummmmmyyyyy.. kesian ada couple behind us. orang dah berbuka but they haven't got their food. So, they left. About 1 minute or so, food pun sampai. Hmm.
Afterwards, we went to Jakel. I went straight to modern baju kurung section. there's a pink one that caught my eyes. nervously look at the size. YES! xs! its quite hard to find the size when u went shopping at the end of Ramadhan. I tried it n bought it. Mission accomlished! *Happy* balik rumah n zzzz. At home, i tried the baju, shoes and all. Sashaying across the house. mini fashion show haha. Now, all i need is a matching shawl.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Iftar di ZamZam Arabic @Oasis Shah Alam

 lamb mandy
 pita bread with humus

Ramadhan 24, break fast with arabic food in arabic style. ;p with my roommate, dayarn n moknik.. 
the buffet is rm39 but there's really a whole lot to choose from. i love the lamb mandy. Delicious! but i coulnt really eat everything else, like the baklava, pita, humus n everyhing-else-which-names-i-dont-know. haha. they're not really to my liking, but some of my friends really like some of it. its just a matter of own personal preference. this is also the first time i tried any barbican-like drinks. quite strong and i cant describe the taste. not for me. but the place is nice, with arabic touches to it, and the people who serves are mostly arabic (i guessed). and the lamb mandy is superb for me. but i still prefer our malaysian cuisine n western. :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Iftar di The Manhattan Fish Market

Semalam berbuka di sunway pyramid, dengan kak nad n daughter n my roommate.. sedapnye all the sea foods n fish.. couldnt stop eating. i love the grilled gala platter.ada fish fillet, calamari, tiger prawn, mussels, broccoli n rice. superb. for dessert, brownies with ice-cream. yum! :) before eating, we went for shopping. i bought 2 pairs of everlast slip on shoes. its the same design but different colours. pink n soft yellow. i couldnt decide so i have to get both. sorry Daddy. :p its so cute!
Then follow kak nad looking for purse for her. dia tak jumpa yang berkenan. i am looking for myself a leopard print purse. i found one at carlo rino. but i want to look elsewhere first. then before gi berbuka, my roommate n ikha naik the big animal train that go around the mall.. happy gila. if i didnt wore a skirt, i think i might jump in jugak! haha. all in all its a happy day. i went back and tertido kat sofa. dang. macam budak kecik pulak. *malu*

Sunday, August 21, 2011

IKEA Shopping with my tiny first practical allowance..

Alhamdulillah, i do get allowance for my practical training. Some others don't. But, i have to admit it's a little on the low side compared to the task given and the things that you are expected to complete. *hinting for a raise* which most probably remains as just a hint. As this is my first one, i decided to buy stuffs for everyone in my family n also my roommate. No guessing required, i headed to IKEA with my roommate, yesterday. 
I think there's always something for everybody. Except my father. Because i dont really know what to buy for him. We started shopping around 3pm until 6pm. After that, when we rushed to Secret Recipe for TOMYAMKUNG, they're already FULL! Adoii.. So, in the 3 fun hours, i managed to get everything for everyone, except my father n roommate. Mission almost accomplished. As my plan is to buy stuff for others, im struggling to stop myself from buying things for me to. In the end, i bought loads of stuff for others, and just tea towel for me. *proud*, i mean *sad*, no. proud it is. :) hehee. to prove that im NOT a shopaholic.
yeah right.
now i have no idea how to pack for all those stuff. dang. hope they'll like what i bought. i thought long n hard about what really suits each of them. i'll give it to them as raya present. i love all of you :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Surprise birthday party. Are they real?

I always thought that when people are trying to set up a surprise birthday party, the birthday boy/girl surely have known.. obviously people around her is trying to do stuff secretly, sneaking behind her back, try to hide the cake, decoration  etc.. and when its the reveal time, is it a genuine shock? or just pretending to be, just because others had put in their effort to throw the party. i dont know. i have thrown a surprise birthday party to others. As for myself, my friends tried once, but its not really my birthday.. so that doesnt count. i wonder will a person be genuinely shocked. btw, im not writing this to hint that my birthday is around the corner okay? because its not. im just writing whats on my mind. see ya.

Monday, August 15, 2011

current obsession: kendieveryday

every morning, i will go to her blog to look at what she's wearing.
dont even know why..
she posts pictures of her daily outfits.. i think i may do that too.. because every morning, before i go to work, i will kejut may roommate *sorry* and ask her to take a pictures of what i'm wearing.. dia tak marah pun.. but sometimes she took the pics without even opening her eyes.. i think she has become quite good at it.
Imagine in a resume, SKILLS: computer skill & taking pictures with closed eyes. haha

so, now i have a collections of what i wore.. maybe i will post them. maybe..
or print it, so every sunday, i can browse through and have an idea of combination to wear on monday to friday.

Quick Tips: Every Sunday, set aside an hour to pick out what u're gonna wear for the next 5 working days. Put each on a hanger. including the accessories n shoes.. it will save you time in the morning. AND keeping ur closet neat.. imagine waking up late, and u have to rummage through ur perfectly organized closet. no way.

pening makan kambing

i knew i will be pening2 after eating lamb and it will continue until the next day.. but i really couldn't resist the lamb skewer at bazaar ramadhan section 17.. delish! RM4 each.. *promote* padahal takde kaitan ngan orang jual pun.. haha.. anyway, now im still pening2 at the office.. but its almost time to go home.. im quite dissappointed with the allowance for practical trainee.. its so low, and we dont get raya bonus! i think the Government should impose a minimum allowance for trainees.. :p so i'll be happy slaving at work.. *not*

Sunday, August 14, 2011

berbuka dengan parents sangat best

best tau dapat berbuka dgn parents. especially selepas 
12 ramadhan tak berbuka sama2 lagi...
lauk banyakkkkkk... sedap mak masak. suke2.. pastu boleh shopping lama.. now dah sampai umah..
esok g keje.. malam ni mesti mimpi ada kat umah lagi. *rindu*

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

nescafe bagus ke tak?

i am so addicted to nescafe..
and im struggling to stay awake in my office..
because now its Ramadhan..
i doze off a few time yesterday! dang!
i need to figure out how to keep my eyes open during the day..

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fadhilat Terawikh


Fadhilat dan Kelebihan Tarawih

Ada pun fadhilat dan kelebihan bagi orang-orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang sunat Tarawih adalah seperti berikut :-
1 Dosanya keluar seperti ia baru di lahirkan ibunya
2 Dosanya di ampuni, begitu pula dosa kedua ibu bapanya jika keduanya itu orang mukmin
Di panggil oleh malaikat dari bawah Arasy dengan seruan: “Mulailah kamu beramal sebab Allah telah mengampuni dosamu yang telah lalu”.
4 Di beri pahala yang sama, dan pahala orang-orang yang membaca Kitab Taurat, Injil, Zabur dan Al-Quran.
5 Di beri pahala seperti orang yang melakukan sembahyang di Masjidil Haram di Makkah, Masjid An-Nabawi di Madinah dan Masjid Al-Aqsa di Palestin
6 Di beri pahala seperti pahala malaikat yang tawaf di Baitul Ma’mur, batu-batu serta pasir turut sama
memohonkan ampun baginya
7 Seperti orang yang hidup pada zaman Nabi Musa dan membantunya hingga dapat mengalahkan Fir’aun dan Haman
8 Di berikan oleh Allah segala apa yang pernah di berikan kepada Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihisalam
9 Seperti pahala beribadah kepada Allah yang di lakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
10 Di kurniakan oleh Allah kebaikan dunia dan akhirat
11 Keluar dari dunia seperti pada hari dilahirkan dari kandungan ibu bersih daripada segala dosa
12 Datang di hari kiamat dengan keadaan mukanya bercahaya dan bersinar bagaikan malam bulan purnama
13 Datang di hari kiamat dengan keadaan aman dari segala kejahatan
14 Disaksikan oleh para malaikat, kalau dia telah melaksanakan solat tarawih maka pada hari kiamat ia akan di bebaskan oleh Allah dari segala mudarat.
15 Di minta ampun oleh para malaikat, oleh malaikat yang memikul Arasy dan Kerusi.
16 Di bebaskan dari api neraka dan dapat masuk syurga
17 Di beri pahala seperti pahala para Nabi
18 Di seru oleh para malaikat, “Wahai hamba Allah, bahawasanya Allah telah redha kepadamu dan kepada orang tua kamu”.
19 Di angkat darjatnya ke dalam syurga firdaus.
20 Di beri pahala para syuhada dan salihen
21 Di bina rumahnya dari nur di dalam syurga.
22 Kelak di hari kiamat ia akan datang dengan aman dari segala kesusahan dan dugaan
23 Di bangunkan sebuah kota untuknya di syurga
24 Di beri pahala yang berupakan dua puluh empat permohonan di kabulkan
25 Di hapuskan dari seksaan kubur.
26 Pahalanya diangkat selama empat puluh tahun
27 Dalam melintasi sirat (jambatan) pada hari kiamat kelak, dia akan dapat melintasi dengan laju bagaikan kilat menyambar.
28 Allah mengangkat dengan seribu darjat di syurga
29 Diberi pahala seribu haji yang mabrur
30 Di panggil dan di persilakan oleh Allah, wahai hambaku, makanlah buah-buahan syurga dan mandilah dengan air salsabil (air syurga yang sedap di minum) serta minumlah dari telaga kausar. Akulah Tuhanmu dan engkau hambaku.