
Sunday, September 22, 2013


Alhamdulillah, there's many things to be thankful for. My business is more stable now. It has been almost 4 month. Yay. And Im also thankful that I can control my feeling better now. Sometimes i get angry, so I found a great way to diffuse it by myself. It works out fine. I dont need someone to consile me or to say sorry or whatever. I choose to do thing that i can control. I realize the hard way, that trying to control uncontrollable things will result in myself getting hurt.

Now, alhamdulilllah its all under control. Hopefully everything will become better. Everybody knows that getting blame for something you didnt do can cause anger. And trying to explain sometimes cause more damage. My solution is to say briefly that I really didnt do it. So then its up to them to respond. Some will accept, some will retaliate, some will get angry because I said it. Leave it to themx i have done my part telling the truth. THAT i can control. The response, I CANT. Why bother.

And alhamdulillah, Allah saved me from rear-ending a Honda. I tried to switch driver after a toll. I changed my spot from the passenger side to the driver's. I accidentally pushed the gear shift and the camoved and almost hit the car that parked in front. The previous driver chased the car and opened the door. I was totally unaware of the car moving as I was looking for my shoes. Seh yelled 'BRAKE! BRAKE!. Guess what? I was so shocked that my feet feels like jelly.

I tried to brake but I cant. I saw the car in front, and its very near. Alhamdulillah I suddenly pull the hand brake. I was trembling for a few minutes. Imagine what panic can do to you. I cant even do a simple act of hitting the brake pedal. I am extremely thankful to Allah for this. If I hit the car, I dont have extra money to pay for it.W

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