
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Next country please

Okay, lets recap, which countries have i been to, and which countries is in plan.

1987-1989 Born and lives in Australia
1989-now Change nationality and lives in Malaysia


  • November 2011 - Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia
  • March 2012 - Singapore
Next in line
  • September 2012 - Thailand
  • January 2013 - Hong Kong
Thank you Allah for all these opportunities. I want to lead an islamic minimalist lifestyle, have financial freedom and travels all over the world. And thanks to my parents for understanding and the money :), thanks to my travel partners and thanks to my non-shopaholicness. Is that a word? If not, it should be included in the dictionary.

This is my card

When i was a little girl, TV shows made me think that all working people have name card. because here and there, in the drama, career people wearing flashy suits and handing out cards to others while saying "This is my card".

So i thought that name card is a sign of success. A prove that you are doing well, have prominent career and bright future. However, i don't think it is really like that. i was about 8, what do i know.

Now at 24, i am taking my first step on the career ladder. With degree in hand, i got a job as Finance Executive at a firm. Well, i am not a degree holder yet, as i am still waiting for my final result, but i got the job nonetheless. Alhamdulillah.

Now do i get to hand out my own name cards to others, for the sake of networking? NOPE. haha. I don't feel the need at the moment, maybe later. But, one thing for sure, career world rocks. i never knew how much i love working and dislike studying, until i now. it is not that i dont like studying or being a student, because i love studying. it is just that when i'm working, i go home in the evening, and i'm free. i don't have to think about anything job-related. i left everything at my office door and enjoy my outside life.

It's the absolute contrary with student life. i finish my lectures at 4 or 6 pm, but can i leave everything out of mind, and continue thinking tomorrow? heck no! i have to bring everything back, all the mutiple assignments, homeworks, projects. hard work, tough time. But, the outcome is priceless. we get degree and countless experience that we may not get elsewhere. i am thankful that i finished the 5 semesters of degree. Now i'm only waiting for the final results. i think it will be out before Sept 16. Then, i can myself a degree holder. Ya Allah, please help me to pass the paper.

However, everything have their pros & cons. Working also has the downside, for example, the occasional working Saturday. (Which, by the way, gets me one day off, thanks Boss). And i have to deal from all kind of people from all walks of lives. Most are easily handled, and some are, you guessed it, a tiny bit difficult.

Anyways, the big pros now is the holiday part. i love travelling. And it's kinda easy to apply for my leaves. Alhamdulillah. So i can lead the life that i want easily. That means working and  overseas travelling 3-4 times per year.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Just a little bit

I want to live in moderation, in complete simplicity and serenity. Just a little bit. Just enough. I don't want extravaganza.

I had started working 9-5 now. My salary is not as much as i expected,but i think Allah knows whats best for me, and what is enough for me.

My life is quite simple. I work during office hour. I run in the evening/night. Take part in marathons. Do some freelance work. Meet friends & family. Save money for future. Go on overseas trips. Window shops.

I am content with my life now. Since i started on the minimalism journey, i don't shop that much. I prefer to window shop and save money. I spend on things that i really need or i really want. I don't really regret not buying. It can be quite liberating actually. Having to go shopping in a place full of temptation and come back with nothing (especially for shopaholics).

I am in my shopping-fast, where i dont buy anything except things i need such as groceries. I don't buy new clothes, shoes, bag or anything.

But i will buy them if i think it will add value to me. And makes my life easier & simpler.


I dont know who invented this acronym that stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. I think it is a bit harsh and i prefer my boss' version: Keep It Simple & Secure. My version would be Keep it Simple Sayang. Haha okay poyo.

Anyway, the point is the importance of simplicity. I think it applies to every single thing in life. Simplicity is the key. Who likes complicated things? Anyone?

Minimalism and simplicity. It makes my life easy, happy and fuss-free. Don't over analyse, don't over think, don't over plan. Just keep everything in moderation. The end result will be great, minus the stress.

I used to over plan, now i live day by day. I do make plans, but if there are changes, i don't sweat it. I just embrace the spontaneity it brings. Routine can be boring right.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The opposite feelings

I am at a point in life where i sometimes have mixed feelings. Two extremely strong but totally opposite feelings. Such as extreme happiness and sadness simultaneously. It takes the enjoyment out of what i'm supposed to celebrate.

I may be happy that i land a job that i really want, and i will be all cheery and excited and tell others that are close to me. But sometimes it just seems that they don't feel happy for you. And this made me quite upset.

I know i can't rely on others to feel happy for me. Yet it still occurs to me why can't they be happy for me, for the path that i have chosen. I want to share the great news. Initially, i felt very happy, and warm and all fuzzy inside and can't wait to share. When you get a very flat 'ok' it sure does hurts. All my heavenly feelings gone. Just like that.

I know maybe my news is not as exciting as yours. But it's quite big for me.

Okay, enough ramblings. I got a job that i want and i am content with my life.