
Monday, March 14, 2011

larian hari wilayah persekutuan & bareno run 2011

yesterday and the day before i took part in two marathons.. so, my hands are pretty darn tireed from all the swinging.. maybe lari salah teknik kot..
anyway, this is the result

larian hari wilayah persekutuan 2011
12 march 2011, saturday, dataran merdeka, 7km
my result : no5 (38minutes) timing not so good
prize : rm70, cert and medal

bareno run 2011
13 march 2011, saturday, national stadium bukit jalil, 5km
my result : no17
prize : cert n medal

timing, i dont know. because i was so frustrated..
i arrived just in time they start running..i arrived there, dah without any warm-up watsoever, i pun lari..

so i run and i run n run as fast as i can..
5 minutes past, i realized there nobody in K category anywhere near me.OMG! did i ran with the 10km runners?! shoot! i panicked.
so i ran back to the starting line (merentas arus, sungguh gila. i know)cuz nak start with the 5km runners..

i just run very fast to get back to the starting line.
then it hit me. ko gila ke apa wei? mesti la ko start dengan 5km,
yang 10km runners di sekeliling ni adalah yang lambat.

then i nampak adik pakai tudung putih. i know her, she won yesterday in larian hari wilayah, category remaja..

actually i did start running with 5km, memang betul je starting tu.. bukan dengan 10km.
the reason why i tak nampak anybody in K category is because i was quite in front.. n they are still behind me.. bila i patah balik tu, entah berapa ramai my category yang i terserempak,
tapi i didnt notice sebab dah panick.

so, i turn back and started running again. stupid me!
i arrived at 17th place.

moral of the story: be super early.
tu lah kau, tido lambat lagi.. study konon, padahal tengok cite true beauty 2..

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