
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

sales are worthless without moolah.. (delayed entry)

thanx to my broadband, this entry cant be posted, i think i wrote this on 27th of March.

So gurls, lets save up for mega sale..
imagine what would u feel when at a sale, 
u found out that THE bag u want is on sale,
and u've waited for so long..
suddenly, u realize that u dont have enough money.
And its the last day.
DAMN! u said. but it'll be too late..
to avoid this dreadful situation, 
lets save up..

i am planning to go to sabah this june and bandung this november.
it's still many months to go, but i've already starts my shopping fund!

and i'm looking for alternatives to get more cash, besides from my parents.
i think i'm gonna open tuition classes. but idk how to find students..
i'll figure it out soon.. rite now, i'm going to sleep..
may the answer come into my dreams..

alongside my bandung dream
:) gnite all, gnite bruno mars with broken specs.

uitm examination schedule is out!!

omg. the schedule is out..everytime this happens, i'll be freaking out..
omg, i haven't finished studying, i have a database to complete, assignment to complete 
bla bla bla..
but this time, i'll be calm.
really calm..
still calm..

haha, kidding. i have less than a month before my paper starts.
it;s just around the corner. 
i must study ALL the time.
ok guys. gtg. have to study. haha

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

do not study at the 11th hour

i repeat, do NOT study at the 11th hour..
okay, get it? or should i remind u for the trillionth time?
*talking to myself*
i have a test this morning at 8.30am..
so, my 'brilliant \' plan is to study from 8-12pm last night. sounds normal enough
for a typical uni student.. but, there's a catch..
unexpectedly, my dad asked me to join him for dinner at 8pm..
so, we went for dinner. it'll take 1.5 hour max, i calculated in my mind..
but no, it took us 4hours.. 
dinner+cari parking lama2+shopping..
dang.. i went back at 12 feeling so tired. 
did i stay up? NOOOOOO..
i went straight to sleep.. and of course i couldn't do weel in the test just now..
i was hoping i will do well, 
but i did not study..
tu la, last minute lagi kan?

moral of the story: study everyday, not at the very last minute. u dont know when something suddenly come up.. set a buffer time for unexpected events.. 

fingers crossed
hope my result wont be that bad.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

streamyx please...

seriously, i need streamyx. promptly.
i try my best to make my current house to be a sanctuary for me..
a calm, clean, beautiful place where i live that is fully equipped with everything i need.

it is 
1) my hotel - where i sleep n chill
2) my photostat shop & cc - i have printer/copier/scanner. and broadband 
(quite unreliable, though).
3) my stairs training place - i do stairs training at the long stairs at my house.
4) my restaurant - now that im on diet, i only eat food that i personally prepare (most of the time)
5) my laundry shop - i do my own laundry, except kalau basuh toto n such..

but, there is one tiny glitch. my beloved broadband is not performing the way i expected.
im sorry, broadband. i think i hace to cheat on u..
im valuing the options, such as other broadband (highly unlikely), and streamyx..
looking for the best alternative now..

i hope streamyx will come up with a plan that suits me peefectly. off i go, to streamyx website.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

im here

10.01 at cc. my meeting was cancelled.. so here i am thanking God for the invention of cc
and reliable internet line.. wishing u were here..

what i did today

6.50 woke up, sleep again.
8.00 actual wake up
10.30 followed sue to change money
12.00 sent her to airport, she drives, btw.
1.35 say bye :( and drove back
2.15 dropped my sis to buy food
2.20 got home. get ready to go to board meeting shooting
3.30 rehearsal
4.30 actual shooting
5.15 ate guava n crackers
5.30 find cleo april, not available
5.45 went to stadium
6.00 training with coach. 30min easy run.
6.15 after i changed into sports attire, i warmed up.
6.30 starts running.
7.00 completed the session. cooling down
7.15 rushed to cc to skype.
8.00 wanna go home now.

if you read this, get online. i'll try to be online all the time ok.

try at 9 plus ok. i have group meeting.
we can chat! cant wait to hear everything.

rindu separuh mati

when people that is around u 24/7 suddenly have to be far away, world seems empty..
i dont like it that i have to be apart like this.. it's so weird.. come skype with me..
i miss you

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

mandarin test

i have to memrize 4 passages that i did by myself.. with my limited vocabulary, i finished it..
i have to do:

1) zai basha maicai (go to market to buy something)
2) kan dianshi (watch tv)
3)laojia (hometown)
4)dujia (holiday)

i cant believe im actually learning mandarin.. but only enough for simple conversation..
ok all, wo e le... (im hungry)
i wanna eat oat with raisins..

diet progress

uh oh.. rupanya diet is so hard..
i feel all weak and tired.. maybe my body is trying to adjust to these changes in food intake..
usually i eat a whole lot, for all day long.. suddenly i eat so little, n i quit eating rice n maggi..
mybe my body is shockes! im sorry my body.... but i have to do this ok... -_-
apologize to my own body. gila! haha

it's raining cats n dogs

i went to my morning classes. then at noon i went home.
to cook something healthy n non-fattening to satisfy my hunger pang.
as u know, i'm on diet. so, i cooked vege soup and eat a really small chicken breast.
then, when i dah belit2 my hijab, n want t go to uni again, its pouring outside.
so, i can't go to class. :( i love company secretary subject...
so, i stayed home and cam-whoring. haha..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Elisha Lee's Diet Plan

What Not To Eat
When i say not to eat, i meant to limit the intake, not avoiding it altogether, which would be practically impossible..
1) Rice
2) Meat
3) Chicken
4) Fast food
5) Fried stuff
6) Sambal, or anything too spicy
7) Instant noodles
8) Ice

What To Eat
And when i say eat, i mean moderately okay..
1) Oat
2) Nestum
3) Wheat Cereal
4) Simple egg sandwich with loads of veges
5) Fruits
6) Soup
7) Raw veges
8) Fish fish fish
9) Salad
10) Tomyam

How To Eat
1) Never ever skip breakfast.
2) Eat every 2 hours, but with small portion. It will be easier to prepare the food yourself to control the portion. If U wanna eat take-outs, divide it into 2, and eat one part now, and another part 2 hours later.
3) Stop eating after 10pm. Somebody stop earlier, but I will be extra hungry and eats people. haha
4) I start eating at around 7.30am, then at 10.30am, 12.30am, 2pm.. evening 1t 4pm, 7pm, 9pm..
It will be around this time.
5) Eat less before a training session. I usually run at 5.30 or 6pm, so meal at 4pm would be only a piece of bread or something very light.
6) Go crazy on veges and fruits.. but make sure not to much banana n avocado..

How To Tone Ur Muscle
1) Exercise. As for me, my main exercise is in the form of running. I run about 3-5 times per week. I love running. It keeps me healthy and fit.. and it stops me from gaining weight from eating all the time.
2) Do variation of exercise. (NOTE TO SELF: dont run only!)
Go to gym, go swimming, play sports, do hill training, do stairs training, dumb bell, do whatever U want, at your convenient time. Good rule of thumb is to exercise at least 3 times per week, 45 minutes per session. As long as it gets U sweating n your heart pumping. Nothing involving couch n tv okay.
3) Run marathons. Just register for a 5km event, which is in 2months time or so. And train for it. All the trainings will benefit U so much. U'll loose weight, feel lighter, your stamina improves and U'll be healthy. I notice that, when i exercise regularly, I hardly get sick.

So, that's my plan.
I started this plan on : 17 March 2011, Thursday
Date of accomplishment : 31 March 2011, Thursday
Starting Weight : 52.5kg
Goal Weight     : 50kg
Duration           : 2 weeks

I'll keep my weight journal in this blog. Lets diet together. If I can, U can. Bye..

im on diet. seriously.

i went on an off diet for quite some times. it's not that im fat..
i am 52.5kg and 5'2", with an athletic body.. if u were me, u will wanna shed some fat..
why? because i'm not light enough to win my running events..
i am currently in top10 position.. but never top3.. the best i get is no4 twice..
in Klang Run 2011 and Tibi Run 2011. So, i am in a not-so-strict diet regime..
i have lost a kilo after dieting about 3days *proud* hahaa
im hungry right now.. but winning a marathon will make up for all the sacrifices i made..
i'm planning to be 50kg by the end of this month..

no broadband sucks

i cant use my broadband right now..
for reasons that shouldn't be mentioned. haha
anuway, i cant get online at all. i know, its not that i online 24/7,
but when i really need the net, n i cant.. jadi kinda stress..
huhu.. hopefully by teh end of today, i can browse the net.
i wanna upload my pictures.. cant wait..

twitter or tweeter??

damn. how can i misspell twitter??
it's TWITTER for God's sake..


haha.. n i suddenly spell it tweeter..
we tweet.. so it became tweeter...huh

Monday, March 14, 2011

beckham will have a baby girl.

beckham ada 3 boys.. brooklyn, cruz n romeo (in random order)..
and victoria is pregnant with a baby girl.. excited sangaaatttt!
haha macam la aku yang dapat that baby...
tapi i dont care. tetap suka..
mesti cute.. huhu teringat mia..
she lovesssss

larian hari wilayah persekutuan & bareno run 2011

yesterday and the day before i took part in two marathons.. so, my hands are pretty darn tireed from all the swinging.. maybe lari salah teknik kot..
anyway, this is the result

larian hari wilayah persekutuan 2011
12 march 2011, saturday, dataran merdeka, 7km
my result : no5 (38minutes) timing not so good
prize : rm70, cert and medal

bareno run 2011
13 march 2011, saturday, national stadium bukit jalil, 5km
my result : no17
prize : cert n medal

timing, i dont know. because i was so frustrated..
i arrived just in time they start running..i arrived there, dah without any warm-up watsoever, i pun lari..

so i run and i run n run as fast as i can..
5 minutes past, i realized there nobody in K category anywhere near me.OMG! did i ran with the 10km runners?! shoot! i panicked.
so i ran back to the starting line (merentas arus, sungguh gila. i know)cuz nak start with the 5km runners..

i just run very fast to get back to the starting line.
then it hit me. ko gila ke apa wei? mesti la ko start dengan 5km,
yang 10km runners di sekeliling ni adalah yang lambat.

then i nampak adik pakai tudung putih. i know her, she won yesterday in larian hari wilayah, category remaja..

actually i did start running with 5km, memang betul je starting tu.. bukan dengan 10km.
the reason why i tak nampak anybody in K category is because i was quite in front.. n they are still behind me.. bila i patah balik tu, entah berapa ramai my category yang i terserempak,
tapi i didnt notice sebab dah panick.

so, i turn back and started running again. stupid me!
i arrived at 17th place.

moral of the story: be super early.
tu lah kau, tido lambat lagi.. study konon, padahal tengok cite true beauty 2..

my very first greetings

hello everyone..
it's sha here..
starting from today, i am officially making this blog
"my public diary"
where i will write all my innermost thoughts and feeling..
i have loads to talk (or write) about..

feel free to follow me..

with lotsa love..